
Mediatox Aurora MPEG to DVD Burner v5.2.47 刻錄軟體 英文破解版


     Mediatox Aurora MPEG to DVD Burner v5.2.47 刻錄軟體 英文破解版
                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2010年9月最新版!
         For WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003/WIN VISTA


 2010.09.05 全新〞光榮 〞上市      軟體急先鋒(
     Mediatox Aurora MPEG to DVD Burner v5.2.47 刻錄軟體 英文破解版



破解說明:請使用\Lz0 目錄下的keygen.EXE序號機產生序號

在DVD影碟機觀看。通過與Aurora Media Workshop的配合,你能夠將任何格式的視頻文件轉換、

When joining Linezer0 you are not just joining a group, but  
a family. We're a group built on friendship, devotion, respect
and of course the continous learning. If you are one of those
whom are just here for the glory and releases, then you have 
found the wrong group. Hard work and dedication is what has  
brought us to where we are today, and it is that we will     
demand from you as well.                                     
To be able to be accepted as a cracker in Linezer0, you will 
need to have at least 6 months of experience from other groups
and have at least 2 people that can vouche for you before we 
will even concider talking with you.                         
Open positions:                                              
   * Keygenner(s) - able to analyse and keygen advanced      
     protection schemes. You will be working with the other  
     keygenners to be able to meet the advanced protections  
     with a joint effort.                                    
   * Dongle cracker(s) - need to have experience in one or   
     more of the following dongles, FlexLM, SentinelLM, HASP,
     CRYPKEY and/or custom made license managers. We always  
     got big projects that you can undertake, and with the   
     dongle crew you will be working in a joint effort to    
     find sollutions - preferrably complete emulators for    
     the different solutions.                                
You have knowledge regarding protections like ASPACK and     
ARMADILLO, and are able to code tools that can either analyse
those, or even able to unpack them. Further we require that  
you have at least 4 years of coding experience, and can show u
earlier achievements either through system analysis and/or   
programs you have developed.                                 
Open positions:                                              
   * Cracktro programmer - we are looking for an experienced 
     programmer that can develop a complete cracktro and a   
     update system for that particular cracktro. Experience  
     from the demo scene is preferred, but achievements that 
     can show your skills can also be accepted.              
   * General programmer(s) - you will be recieving projects  
     that will range from everything from updating our       
     existing tools, as well as develop new tools that will  
     be useful for the group.                                
You work as a engineer or something similar where you got    
access to the latest software in the CAD/CAM area. Preferrably
with experience in the supplied software as testing your own 
supply would also be required to ensure validity. We are also
interrested in people able to supply us software in the      
GRAPHICS/MUSIC/PROGRAMMING area. One time suppliers are not  
welcome, a steady base of supplies will be required.         
If you run a dedicated site, on a 100mbit link, a well       
supported site that have at least 6 months of up-time and    
decent affiliation. Then your site might be of interrest to  
us. Do note that we do NOT accept site offers from the US, DE
and AT.   




            軟體急先鋒 強力推薦!!!一定讓你值回票價,保證錯不了。
                                 軟體急先鋒( 目錄編輯

    必要買原版軟體,以支援作者或出版公司能再出版最好的軟體!!! 為了您將來的後


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