
Auction Auto Bidder v6.1.716 網上競拍輔助系統軟體 英文破解版


         Auction Auto Bidder v6.1.716 網上競拍輔助系統軟體 英文破解版
                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2010年9月最新版!
         For WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003/WIN VISTA


 2010.09.05 全新〞光榮 〞上市      軟體急先鋒(
         Auction Auto Bidder v6.1.716 網上競拍輔助系統軟體 英文破解版



破解說明:安裝完成後,請將光碟 \crack 目錄下的檔案,複製到主程式的


Auction Auto Bidder is now better than ever With Version 5.0!

Auction Auto Bidder 4.1 was already by far the most sold sniper
software on eBay, now version 5.0 adds a ton of features to an
already superior software!

What's new in 5.0

 Bid group support (group several auctions of an item you want,
  and the software will automatically attempt to win one after
  the other in the group until one of them is won at your maximum
  bid or less, and then cancels the bids on the other items in
  the group, this prevents you from having to wait and see if you
  are outbid and then find another item)
 Built in tabbed web browser (open multiple web pages and switch
  between them in a single click)
 Favorites menu allows you to add your favorite pages such as
  searches, sellers, or any other webpage
 New easier to use interactive items list with one click access
  to all options
 Powerful list filter option allows you to apply one or more
  filters too see only the items you want
 Fully supports using international eBay websites
 Ability to leave notes for items
 Three view modes (list & browser, list only, browser only)
 Auto Scroll (automatically scrolls down pages and goes to next
  result pages to allow hands free browsing)
 Now detects when "Place Bid" button is pressed on auction page
  and the program opens the bid dialog
 Auto sign in now works on and other international
  English eBay websites
 Displays lock sign in status bar when displayed webpage is over
  a secure connection
 Ability to bid as little as 1 second before the end
 "Frequently Asked Questions" added to Help menu

What's the catch  Why is this superior software being sold for
about the same price as the competition

There's no catch, the fact that Auction Auto Bidder is by far the
most sold sniper on eBay is what allows this superior software to
be sold for such a low price! But this low price may not stay
forever, depending on the success of this new version, the price
may be increased.

No hidden fees or monthly costs, only a one time purchase price.
Guaranteed to not contain any spyware and adware.

1822 registered users, most of the many suggestions they sent are
now part of Auction Auto Bidder! Keep sending your suggestions,
they are what made Auction Auto Bidder the best auction sniper
software! Most sales come from users recommending it to friends!

Free automatic updates for life!

Contact me for a FREE DEMO and see for yourself why Auction Auto
Bidder is the best, you will then need to come back to this
auction page when you are ready to purchase the software.

Why snipe (bid in the last seconds) rather than use eBay's

 Win items at a lower cost since no one will have time to outbid
  you, if you bid a long time before the end, eBay will email the
  previous high bidder to let them know they've been outbid so
  they will most likely come back and outbid you causing the
  price to increase, this software prevents this and often pays
  for itself on the first use
 Increase your chances of winning since people wont have time to
  outbid you
 You can decide to remove your bid up to the last minute since
  it is only sent to eBay in the last seconds

Also works as a fully featured web browser optimized to make
browsing eBay faster & easier.

Very easy to use
Auction Auto Bidder is so simple to use that anyone, including
novice computer users can be using it within minutes without even
having to read instructions, thanks to the user friendly
interface and wizards which make installing and setting up a
snipe as simple as entering your maximum bid! Auction Auto Bidder
will automatically retrieve the item details and do the rest.


 Supports an unlimited number of eBay accounts (purchase price
  allows up to 4 users in the same household)
 Use it on any computer without ever needing a registration code
 Will know that your copy is registered even if you get a new
 Supports sniping, normal bidding, buy it now, watching and
  browsing eBay all in one convenient interface
 Smart error detection will automatically retry the snipe up to
  5 times if it fails for any reason, insuring maximum
 Very simple to use, just click the add auction button while and
  auction page is displayed then enter your maximum bid
 Auction details (title, time left, current bid, etc.) will be
  automatically retrieved from eBay
 Support for multiple item listings as well as "Buy It Now"
 Stays synchronized with eBay and refreshes on specified
  interval, works independently from your system clock, so it
  bids on time even if your system clock is incorrect.
 When an item is ending in less than 5 minutes, the program will
  refresh the details more often and ignore all items ending in
  more than 5 minutes to ensure all resources are available to
  bid on time
 Built in search box to search eBay items from any page
 Works as a fully functional web browser, browse the web while
  monitoring your auctions
 Automatically signs in for you whenever eBay requests it
 Can be minimized to the system tray

You also get:

 Free automatic updates
 Free technical support by email
 System requirements:

System requirements:

 Windows 98, NT, 2000, Me, XP
 Internet connection




            軟體急先鋒 強力推薦!!!一定讓你值回票價,保證錯不了。
                                 軟體急先鋒( 目錄編輯

    必要買原版軟體,以支援作者或出版公司能再出版最好的軟體!!! 為了您將來的後


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