Red Giant PlaneSpace v1.3 影片檢查軟體 英文破解版


              Red Giant PlaneSpace v1.3 影片檢查軟體 英文破解版
                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2010年9月最新版!
         For WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003/WIN VISTA


 2010.09.05 全新〞光榮 〞上市      軟體急先鋒(
              Red Giant PlaneSpace v1.3 影片檢查軟體 英文破解版





Maic Bullet Looks是一款取代Magic Bullet Editors v2的影片檢查工具,可提供色溫資料,
Red.Giant.Warp-驚人的特效,類似反射,影子,已經邊角扭曲及其粉末狀The Warp 工具包

Desert sunrise, Arctic tundra, nighttime urban streets: the look of your footage
defines the mood. Now you can define the style of your video or film, regardless
of on-set conditions, with powerful imaging tools. Choose from 100+ Look presets,
to help set the mood for everything from a wedding to the next Sundance original.
You also get the standalone Magic Bullet LooksBuilder, for pre-visualizing looks
on set or anywhere. Portable presets load into any editing hosts, so the same Looks
you create on set are the ones you finish with in the editorial suite: no need for
an expensive finishing system.
View FeaturesHighlightsA Designer's InterfaceFor the first time, you can design and
refine a look with a user experience that balances ease of use with the power of 36
distinct Look Tools. The new interface offers Quick Drawers for accessing tools and
presets without taking up valuable space. Tool controls keep clutter to a minimum. Also,
a linear-light processing engine provides fluid interaction using the power of your
graphics card.100-Look LibraryMore than one hundred unique Looks, conveniently organized
by category in the Look Library, are a great starting point for defining the mood of any
scene. The presets range from simple exposure and film process emulation to radical color
changes. Best of all you can use the Look Theater to browse through the library using your
own images — finding a look couldn't be easier.Looks with LegsMagic Bullet Looks works as
both a plug-in and a standalone application. The LooksBuilder plug-in accesses presets and
renders looks inside a variety of popular editing software packages. The application lets
you refine and create looks anywhere, from on set to your edit suite, using any image as a
foundation. Go from pre-visualization to final output, all with the same look.



            軟體急先鋒 強力推薦!!!一定讓你值回票價,保證錯不了。
                                 軟體急先鋒( 目錄編輯

    必要買原版軟體,以支援作者或出版公司能再出版最好的軟體!!! 為了您將來的後


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