
AMS Software Home Photo Studio v2.51 照片編輯軟體 英文破解版


       AMS Software Home Photo Studio v2.51 照片編輯軟體 英文破解版
                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2010年9月最新版!
         For WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003/WIN VISTA


 2010.09.05 全新〞光榮 〞上市      軟體急先鋒(
       AMS Software Home Photo Studio v2.51 照片編輯軟體 英文破解版





Home Photo Studio 讓您可以添加特殊效果, 包括照明,天氣效果,甚至三維結構-不
常用的功能, Home Photo Studio一個非專業的照片編輯軟體。在廣泛的風格框架可以
被添加到照 片,以及。當照片已經得到加強,它們可以用於創建幻燈片,明信片和拼貼,

Home Photo Studio 包括數百個特殊效果,設計範本和專案,可以與數碼照片的電腦上

Home Photo Studio is powerful and easy photo editing software offering a complete
set of image manipulation tools. Thanks to a convenient interface and a detailed
help system, the software is simple to learn but provides enough options to keep
any photo enthusiast creatively occupied. It allows to enhance your photos, add
beautiful effects, decorate images with artistic borders and frames, create
greeting cards and collages!

With Home Photo Studio, you can view and edit your digital shots. Photos can be
retouched, color can be enhanced, red eye can be removed, and blurred images can
be made clearer. All of these changes can be made with a click of the mouse!

You can add special effects to your photos, including lighting, weather effects,
and even 3D composition - a feature not commonly found on non-professional photo
editing software. Frames in a wide range of styles can be added to the photos,
as well. When the photos have been enhanced, they can be used to create slide
shows, postcards, and collages, which can be shared with others.

This photo editing software includes hundreds of special effects, design templates,
and project options that can be used with digital photos on computers. If mistakes
are made during the editing or enhancing process, the multi-undo feature makes
correcting the error easier.

Additional features found in the software including the ability to quickly view
EXIF data and to use plastic effects on photos. Users will appreciate the detailed
help system built into the program so they can find answers when having trouble
with a new project. Home Photo Studio provides all of the features and extras needed
to modify and enhance digital images.

Here are some key features of "Home Photo Studio":

‧ Support 20 input and output graphic formats.
‧ Fast and easy-to-use Image Explorer.
‧ Enhancement of low-quality digital photos.
‧ Support adjustment of Levels, Curves, Color Balance, Contrast, Saturation, etc.
‧ Wide range of available effects for creation of unique art photographs.
‧ More than 100 photo frames and mask effects.
‧ All-around technical and sale support.




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                                 軟體急先鋒( 目錄編輯

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