
Ashampoo Photo Commander 7 v7.60 功能強大的看圖軟體 英文破解版


         Ashampoo Photo Commander 7 v7.60 功能強大的看圖軟體 英文破解版
                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2010年9月最新版!
         For WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003/WIN VISTA


 2010.09.05 全新〞光榮 〞上市      軟體急先鋒(
         Ashampoo Photo Commander 7 v7.60 功能強大的看圖軟體 英文破解版




 Ashampoo Photo Commander是一款快速、方便和功能強大的瀏覽、組織、增強、編輯和               
建 gif 動畫,多頁面圖像,工具筆等很實用的功能。                                             
另外還具有多種方式的螢幕抓圖,創建 GIF 動畫,多頁面圖像,工具筆等很實用的功能               
Version 3->4->5我都持續使用,令人滿意的是,開啟程式的速度始終維持在1秒鍾之內                
,而且大部份會用到的功能一樣不少!官方網站更提供其它功能 Plug-in模組以及其它                
出5/6/7/8版後,它就不是這麼好用了,原因無它,因為肥大/開啟速度慢!ACDSEE 5後               
Ashampoo Photo Commander 7_720                                                              
3D Acceleration, Panoramas and Virtual Albums                                               
View, manage, organize and edit your digital media in one intuitive and                     
powerful program. Ashampoo Photo Commander 7 is an all-in-one application for               
organizing, editing, sharing and presenting photo collections with additional               
audio and video playing and management capabilities.                                        
All the photo editing tools you need are included. Enhance your images with                 
the one-click optimizer. Remove the red-eye effect, adjust colors,                          
contrast, hue and many other parameters, resize, crop, rotate, add a wide                   
range of special effects.                                                                   
After editing you can then use the integrated creativity tools to turn your                 
photos into slide shows with music, web albums, photo collages, calendars and               
What』s new in version 7                                                                    
There are far too many improvements to list them all – we can only include                 
the highlights here:                                                                        
3D hardware acceleration                                                                    
The program now automatically uses the 3D processor in your computer』s video               
card to achieve a performance boost. If you have a 3D video card this                       
significantly speeds up photo viewing and transition effects for smoother                   
resizing and zooming, with additional smoothing for less 「jaggy」 images                   
at high magnifications.                                                                     
New, more efficient media database                                                          
The new automatic database that manages your media files is now both faster                 
and more efficient, automatically updating when you you』re your media files.               
This means you can move files around without losing their tags (star ratings)               
and other data. The new database also makes scanning EXIF photo tags and                    
MP3 audio tags much faster.                                                                 
Drag & Drop virtual albums                                                                  
The new Drag & Drop virtual albums (Favorites) organize your media files in                 
folders without actually moving them – the same files can be included in                   
multiple folders without creating multiple copies of the files. You can                     
manipulate the files in virtual albums just like any other group of files:                  
Add tags and star ratings, perform batch cut and crop operations, create                    
slide shows and web albums and so on.                                                       
Create panorama images                                                                      
This is a feature that many users have asked for. In version 7 you now have a               
tool for stitching together multiple photos to create a single large panorama               
Slide shows with 「Ken Burns」 effect                                                       
The new quick slide show features the popular 「Ken Burns」 effect that zooms               
and pans on each image while it is being displayed. Just select the photos                  
you want to include and press Ctrl+Shift to start.                                          
Digital camera and scanner importer                                                         
The new digital camera and scanner importer makes it quick and easy to import               
images directly from your digital camera or image scanner.                                  
Improved Callout tool                                                                       
A number of user suggestions have been implemented to improve the performance               
of the Callout (text bubble) tool, which now also includes the functions of                 
the previous callout tool from Photo Commander 5.                                           
Media browser enhancements                                                                  
The media browser comes with many improvements, including advanced search                   
by text, file type, file rating and age with a cut-off date. You can now also               
change the date and time of multiple files in batch mode and browse images                  
without leaving Quick Fix mode – this makes it easier to apply quick fixes                 
to multiple images. You can resize the thumbnail preview images in the                      
media browser on the fly with a slider control.                                             
Find duplicate images with different names                                                  
A powerful new function for finding duplicates will also find duplicate                     
images with different names and images that are similar but not identical.                  
You can enter the level of similarity in percent.                                           
New features                                                                                
3D hardware acceleration for a big speed boost                                              
Much faster and more flexible media database                                                
Virtual albums (Favorites) for better organization                                          
Stitch images to create panoramas                                                           
Quick slide shows with cool 「Ken Burns」 effect                                            
New digital camera and scanner importer                                                     
New advanced media search features                                                          
Find duplicate images with different names                                                  
Print multiple photos on a single page                                                      




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